About Savvy Kenya

What can I say? I’m a mother, a sister, a sometimes coder, a blogger, a lover of travel (constrained by time and money), a (dream) writer, a football fan, a (leisure) swimmer, a never-gambler, a dreamer. Yes I know this ‘about me’ description is boring but it will have to stay till I can come up with something more interesting.

From October 2014 to some time in 2018, I will be in Japan, courtesy of a research scholarship by the Japanese government. Hopefully by the end of it, I shall come out with a doctorate in computer science. Where to go from there, who knows?

Twitter: savvykenya

Facebook: Savvy Kenya on Facebook

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45 Responses to About Savvy Kenya

  1. ilovekimchee says:

    Dear Savvy,
    you are awesome. that is all

    I’m so impressed at how you kept up your blog for all those years! I think I updated mine every other year or so :).
    Love your lifelong dream!

    Maybe you can join me in the dream, thanks.


  2. When i visit a blog, chances are that I see that the construction is poor and the writting bad. Regarding your blog,I could honestly say that you writting is decent and your website solid.


  3. Musémbi wä kásinà says:

    hey av become a big fan lately bin readin each post as they come. Love those stories totaly but u dint blog about the elections for october last year. Huh? Othrwse keep up th good stuff.

    well, if you notice I began this blog last on 31 Dec, many months after Oct. I also wasn’t interested in the elections as I was leaving JKUAT, they didn’t matter to me. Thanks for being a fan, really appreciate that.


  4. Dj Von says:

    Really impressive,keep bringing em stories.
    Considering Africa doesnt have lotsa content on the www,we need more of u to build more content.


    Blogging is one way to do it, thanks. There’s lots of blogs out there though.


  5. W42010 says:

    You have blogging skills like no other i have come accross. I look up to you for tips for my blog. Keep it up…

    thanks *blush blush* you’re welcome for tips all the time.


  6. AntonnyK says:

    Everything about you is amazing. I wonder how you are able to keep up and set aside the time to keep updating your blogs. You are a natural, my inspiration. Never have I ever seen so much determination in a person and a lady for that matter as you. Am in love with ALL your work.

    I’m truly humbled by the above statement

    Did you ever read the set piece book called “African Short Stories”? there is a short story titled “Trully Married Woman”. In that story it shows how this woman was very hardworking and the husband was a punk ass drunk. One day she left and left him with nothing. But the theme of the story was how she was very very determined and worked her sweat out to improve her life and her kids without the help of her hubby. You remind me of the character in that story.
    Keep it up girl but you have inspired me to be your competition.

    You’re welcome to be my competition, it will keep me on my toes! I’ve not read that particular story but I’ll look for it. I hope to keep the determination going!

    Love you girl.

    What can I say, I love you too 🙂


  7. kenyatv says:

    Congratulations girl for all your achievements so far…………………I love your blog and wish you all the best in future.


  8. Tracy Kimani says:

    you are an inspiration savvy i just hope to meet you some day.I am still young in my education also in strathmore and i hope to reach where you have reached and even further.keep up with the spirit.love the blog. 🙂


    • Anonymous says:

      Please, do go further than me! I’m not yet at the pinnacle and who am I to limit the heights one can reach?

      Thanks for the blog loving.. and as for the meeting, it can be arranged 🙂


  9. roselyne says:

    i just read your article in todays local.you are awesome.blessings. roselyne


  10. Sechere chrispen says:

    I like this idea.


  11. Philos Mudis says:

    First time here. I hope you still have the courage to take Kenyan blogosphere to the next level.

    Happy blogging.


  12. Cy says:



  13. Great work, at least I know you, from JKUAT, keep it up gal


  14. Iandiop says:

    what else can I say about this?You took the words out of my mouth already.with this stuff got to smile and giggle google whenever on the http://www…thumps up girl,oh! lady uuuyah…so good…!


  15. Ronosteve says:

    Harry i love your blog. You have really put in sooooo much information. Im wondering how you manage to do this and study at the same time. Goood work girl. Wish one day you grow to become a huffington.

    PS plz put a link in your blog to our site at http://www.airc.go.ke so that ma youths can access a lot of agricultural information.


    • savvykenya says:

      Thanks for the blog loving! I do it on a weekly basis, my studies aren’t too demanding if I’m focused!

      I will put up the link to the site.


  16. Gideon Kengere says:

    I like what you are doing mochokoro. Go,go,go,gooooooooooooo. The sky is the limit.


  17. Daniel says:

    Hey you are an inspiration and a perfect role model for the youth of this country, i recommend you read a book titled from Third world to first by Lee Kuan Yew the singapore’s founding father.


  18. Pingback: Just Want To Say | Thank You « VeehCirra

  19. Rollex "RK" says:

    Is Savvy Kenya your real name?


  20. Lukman says:

    Nice blog eh. . .When next I’m your country, I will give you a buzz. . .:)


  21. Juakali says:

    Great work, keep it up!


  22. Steph says:

    Hi Savvy Kenya! I was reading a month-old article about Bitcoin in Kenya and the following comments – which is how I ended up here. I am currently doing my BcS’s on this particular topic and I would like to get your perspective on this. Would you be interested in doing a 30 minute skype-session with me this weekend? All the best, Steph


  23. La Stica Ikaal says:

    I dont, know…am inspired here, i did my diploma in BIT at TUK, I would enroll in a better uni for computer sci or related degree but i have to halt coz of mullah, still the same i have bigger dreams than my booty, am so enthusiastic about being a programmer/system analyst, even though am still on foundation am so optimistic.
    I would love to have a mentor and such inspiring people to give me that pat on the back.


  24. allen says:

    Really informative and entertaining. Keep it up savvykenyan!


  25. widzz says:

    I just randomly sesrched for your blog I used to read it back in 2013 before joining JKUAT , now I’m done and I’m back here. Good to see your blog is still active. I did Comp. Tech.


    • SK says:

      We made some good memories in JKUAT, I hope you did too. Yes, I will keep blogging.. although my life isn’t as adventurous as it used to be (I think!)

      Liked by 1 person

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